Table of Contents
1. Linux
1.1. Distribution
- Debian
- ArchLinux
- Ubuntu
- PureOS
1.2. PureOS
PureOS is a Linux distribution focusing on security, using the GNOME desktop environment. It is maintained by Purism.
1.3. The needed software for this mini pc
- Emacs
- Texlive-full
- KVM/Libvirt and QEMU
"The real GNU/Linux way to do virtualization is either through Xen or KVM/Libvirt and QEMU."
Install the necessary packages:
sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system virt-manager
Then, give the necessary groups to the user:
sudo adduser libvirt sudo adduser libvirt-qemu
- Install Linux clients and servers in the virtual machine.
- Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Server
1.4. TODO Pure Emacs Configuration
1.4.1. A basic structure of .emacs.d
.emacs.d/ | |-- init.el | |-- lisp/ | |-- init-basic.el | |-- elpa/ | |-- magit | |-- custom.el | |-- ...
1.4.2. Configuration
See the configuration for Puremacs.
1.5. Create a virtual network with QEMU/KVM
"The best way to learn about computer networks is to get the hans dirty with a real one(, even a virtual one.)" – by Mickey Mouse